Traditional Ikebana Scissors
[YSUHIRO] Ikenobo Shears (Full length 165mm) [OSM010101]
38,500JPY (not include VAT & TAX)
Not available
Mr. YOSHINOBU OSUMI follows the form of the father who got the expert's title, and how to build, and…
[KANETAKA] Ikenobo Pocket Shears (Full length 107mm) [KNT010203]
9,900JPY (not include VAT & TAX)
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Ikenobo Pocket Shears (Full length 107mm)
[KANETAKA] Ikenobo Shears (Full length 165mm, long edges) [KNT010202]
36,000JPY (not include VAT & TAX)
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Ikenobo Shears (Full length 165mm, long edges)
[KANETAKA] Ikenobo Shears (Full length 180mm, long edges) [KNT010201]
44,000JPY (not include VAT & TAX)
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Ikenobo Shears (Full length 180mm, long edges)