Japanese Specialty Tools
[KANETAKA] Japanese Razor (Left handed, Large, Lamination, Stingray fin & Rattan winding, etc) [KNT020101L]
99,000JPY (not include VAT & TAX)
Not available
This is the left handed edition. Please caution. (Now, the picture is right handed edition) This…
[KANETAKA] Japanese Razor (Large, Lamination, Lamination, Stingray fin & Rattan winding, etc) [KNT020101]
66,550JPY (not include VAT & TAX)
Not available
This is the luxurious Japanese razor which made steel lamination and built it. It is a Japanese razo…
[KANETAKA] Japanese Razor (Large, Blue Paper steel, 57mm edge) [KNT020201]
33,000JPY (not include VAT & TAX)
57mm edge is the large size for a common Japanese. However, for persons with the large physique, suc…
[KANETAKA] Japanese Razor (2chogake, White Paper steel, 50mm edge) [KNT020203]
26,400JPY (not include VAT & TAX)
50-mm edge is a little big size for a common Japanese. This size is called 2chogake in Japan. The pr…
[KANETAKA] Japanese Razor (1chogake, White Paper steel, 47mm edge) [KNT020202]
22,000JPY (not include VAT & TAX)
47mm edge is anormal size for a common Japanese. This size is called 1chogake in Japan. The professi…
[YSUHIRO] Ikenobo Shears (Full length 165mm) [OSM010101]
38,500JPY (not include VAT & TAX)
Not available
Mr. YOSHINOBU OSUMI follows the form of the father who got the expert's title, and how to build, and…
[KANETAKA] Ikenobo Pocket Shears (Full length 107mm) [KNT010203]
9,900JPY (not include VAT & TAX)
Low stock
Ikenobo Pocket Shears (Full length 107mm)
[KANETAKA] Ikenobo Shears (Full length 165mm, long edges) [KNT010202]
36,000JPY (not include VAT & TAX)
Low stock
Ikenobo Shears (Full length 165mm, long edges)
[KANETAKA] Ikenobo Shears (Full length 180mm, long edges) [KNT010201]
44,000JPY (not include VAT & TAX)
Low stock
Ikenobo Shears (Full length 180mm, long edges)